Healthy Media for Everyone on the 3rd Thursday of November
Wapos Bay
However, as many of us are poor due to capitalism’s lack of compassion for it’s subjects, we feel a day that’s about giving should include giving you options. Through the above video link you can also find playlists in Cree, Inuktitut, and French!
Molly of Denali
Healthy Music & Sound for Everyone on the 3rd Thursday of November
Healthy Reading for Everyone on the 3rd Thursday of November
Sassy Sasafras
Healthy Media on the 3rd Thursday of November
Healthy Music & Sound on the 3rd Thursday of November
Healthy Reading on the 3rd Thursday of November
The Myths, The Reality, and the Choices We Make in How We Celebrate!
The third Thursday of Keptekewiku’s, November, now is the home of three different Holidays (Mourning Day, Wolfenoot [which centers on ending the oppression of animals, especially Paqtism aq Lmuj, Wolf and Dog], and Thanksgiving), and is known to be a cause of stress for millions upon millions of folks in the Western Hemisphere, and beyond, due to the dilemma of how to choose a form of celebration that is actually Thankful and Empowering to All Our Relations, and focuses on ending the oppression of All Of Our Relations
While during times of heightened Melanated erasure, places like the “United States” have constantly shifted the mythos of the day, driving out the reality of the continual genocides upon both Western Hemisphere Indigenous People and of African Indigenous (& see example 2) and African Indigenous Diaspora, both of which were kidnapped, ensalved, and murdered as a way to uphold oppressive power and steal the land of Melanated People across the globe, in addition to the continued oppression of all Melanated People from the Eastern Hemisphere through oppression of immigrants while enforcing those immigrants to be the “lower classes” of labor.
Knowing the HisTory of the holidays one celebrates empowers everyone to be free
agentSKYHOUSE and encryptedritual remain in violent, unsafe spaces. To empower us, our mission to create safe community spaces, our life work, and our move to a safe space to share with and empower all of our local and cross-continent communities, please book a session, give on$agentskyhouse or any options available on , and talk to us about options where we may empower ecosystemal prosperity!
Wela’lin, thank you!
This article is a WIP, and there will likely be much, much more to come.