agentSKYHOUSE and encryptedritual remain homeless and sheltering in violent, unsafe spaces. To empower us, our mission to create safe community spaces, our life work, and our move to a safe space to share with and empower all of our local and cross-continent communities, please book a session, give on$agentskyhouse or any options available on , and talk to us about options where we may empower ecosystemal prosperity!
Wela’lin, thank you!
Tyber PA*L Martin-Mitchell-Moniak-Murphy aka agentSKYHOUSE age 10
Once upona time
I was viewed as a light-skinned “little girl” surviving the continued genocide of my people L’nu/Mi’kmaq (First Nation, Indigenous, “Native American”, Indian”) by settlers who now call themselves americans and canadians.
Genocide that included constant violence from neighbors that would leave me with five teeth in my top jaw, and over 40 years of nerve damage.
Meskeyi, I’m sorry, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.
Across A Hemisphere, We Are Still Fighting To Survive
We Have Been Here For More Than 20,000 Years
While we love and appreciate donations to $agentskyhouse on cashapp, we prefer being booked for work!
From Coast To Coast We Are Still Being Stolen, Murdered, and Assimilated
For more information on Indigenous Alaskan culture, please check out spaces such as
But What About the “Haters”?
The lies? The holiday of Thanksgiving? Genocide of Indigenous People? Eta’ a’, it’s ok, EJ. Everybody changes <3 image of “EJ” from a deep dive into Highschool Musical The Musical The Series by Disney
Folks like to assume this is an us vs them situation, but in actuality we are all descendants of oppressive colonial trauma, and that is what I wish and pray folks would communicate about when giving thanks on Mourning Day, and “Native American” History Day.
As a descendant of more than just the L’nu-Acadian, Irish, Polish-Jewish, and Italian heritages I am aware of, I know that my and all of our knowledge of our roots and culture has been severely impacted by how we are allowed to speak about said heritages.
Despite all of my grandparents having direct involvement in the fight against oppression in World War 2, they always made it extremely clear to us how america and other oppressive powers profit continuously off of erasing our cultures through constant violence, despite the hallmark tunes of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”.
As a child, I was taught very quickly by my family how to “blend in”/code switch through a combination of studying whatever mainstream pop culture the masses were being fed, as well as to quickly hide language, stories, music, and behaviors that caused even a micro-agressive response in my neighbors, peers, teachers, coaches, political over-seers, and anyone else that I would meet in my life.
These teachings were thankfully compounded by my L’nu side of the family’s constant drive to be around, know, and support the autonomy and rights of All My Relations, with a centric focus on those coded as Black and Brown, whom I was taught needed constant support in the protection of their Spaces, Rights, and Lives.
This was a further necessary reminder from all members of my family when we moved from “mixed” neighborhoods to the white suburbia of “Arlington, MA”, previously “Menatomy, MA”, home of the racist Menatomy Indian mascot, a “honored image” my family was bombarded with constantly as I and my sibling barely survived the onslaught of anti-Indigenous propaganda pushed upon us as early as elementary school, where my teachers would insist that we were “extinct”, that my family were liars because “all Native Americans are dead or live in the South West”, and that as descendants of white settlers, it was my classmate’s job to weed out “Indian lovers” and “put them in their place”.
For a light skinned L’nu child, this meant my neighborhood friends left History class one day with a drive to be “Minute Men” and “hunt the dirty Indian sq*ws” in the town” who would terrorize democracy if left unchecked.
From elementary school on, I was called a terrorist and told I was dead/part of an extinct people, and deserved all of the physical, sexual, emotional, mental, and spiritual violence that has left me with extensive nerve damage and a lack of teeth in my upper jaw that no one has ever been actually held accountable for, as I continue to survive a lack of safe housing or adequate health.
As the Menatomy Indian statue and all of it’s apparel on school tshirts, posters, and flyers were not living bodies that could respond to the racist insults, kicks, defacing, and aggressive racist roleplays of my neighbors, this left my my self and my younger sibling to be hunted day in and day out. As a kid that was very involved with sports from an early age, from playing to coaching, it was the constant violence of not only having to wear racist Menatomy mascot apparel (or be suspended), but the mind-warping effects of being beaten on a regular basis in those racist clothes.
Note: “Spy Ponders” literally means the Indians spying from the local pond, which caused settlers to call the pond “Spy Pond”, an area I and my family regularly had to be near for sports practices and games.
The school’s and town’s opinions on such levels of constant violence that regularly put myself and my sibling in the hospital?
Maybe we should have kept our mouths shut and played with someone else.
My actual jaw castings from 2021, decades after the beginings of the constant violence that would leave me with only five teeth in my top jaw. From my IG post: “Nipitl, My Teeth. Extremely intense taking these pics, and there will be many, many more in this series documenting some of the damage that being the target of anti-Indigenous white supremacist violence has bestowed upon me throughout my life”
But when your entire neighborhood consists of people that would take you out for simply walking down the street to school, and a teacher’s response to children threatening to stab me to death in class is to send me to detention for disrupting school time, one can only summarize that this behavior was not only sanctioned in the 1980’s/1990’s, but continues to this day unchecked as oppressive powers continue to attempt to destroy Melanated bodies, and their descendants.
This article is a WIP, and there will likely be much, much more to come.