The Monacan Nation

Click the image to proceed to the official Monacan Nation webpage. But be warned, The Monacan Nation is currently under attack from continued oppressive powers within the Nation that are harming it’s people, as seen below

Wela’lin to elder protector Bobby Thompson for taking these videos.

TW: Threats to Elders and their protectors, in Monacan Nation territory, evil behaviors continue in the name of power and colonialism.
To help, contact Bobby Thompson at bobbythompson.monacancouncil at gmail

Anita Mayo says

January 13, 2022 at 10:48 am

“As a citizen of the Monacan Indian Nation . we are facing similar corruption. Nine of us have been suspended / disenrolled unlawfully.
The 9 have been instrumental in hold feet to the fire and making citizens aware of what’s going on within our tribe . So as a way to silence our voice we have been disenrolled . One citizen who is raising her grandchildren has lost her house and is facing homeless. . Another citizen who is an elder has been arrested for trust passing on land that the Monacan Nation. . His own land . . These act are being done by a leadership that has been removed by the citizen of our Nation . Kenny Branham refuses to step down .
It has sadden us to see we are being attacked by our own over greed and money . We have suffered so much for so long . Let stand together in this fight . No one can take away our blood line or birth right .” as quoted from Native America Calling

Wela’lin to the member of IndigiQueertastrophe that brought this flyer to a meet-up! We are endlessly appreciative.

this article is one of Le Rouge Sublet WIPs