2022 is Insight

Kwe’ nitap
Mid-writing this entry, we found omicron in our home.
While thankfully BB and I did not catch it as we helped to care for the two friends we are staying with, I was saddened to see our friends here, as well as across the country be hounded by their places of business to be healthier faster.
As we continue slowly to recover and take on new relations, and to work with previous relations to help them through stress, trauma, and violence, the behavior we have seen used to scare people back to work, and into choices that harm them and under irreparably, continues to serve as a model that we refuse to be part of.
Thankfully, these things continue to change.

Despite this, societies rushing to force those in their care to be capable and healthy before they are healed, and centering governmental means to aid relations in their care on money over compassion, are why we globally had the biggest covid spike to date. It was a spike predicted upon those behaviors long before it hit. I do believe that everyone will continue to learn from this, and continue to stand up for themselves, and their relations.

Hopefully y’all can expect a “proper” update soon, full of notes on
+ redirective status seeking [when a relation reacts “inappropriately” due to fear and anxiety, typically due to social oppression]
+ affirming consent and mutual boundaries, leading to personal confidence, calmness, and clarity despite anything that gets thrown your way
+ and of course, how our foster kitty Rho is doing as he continues to heal and learn what it means to be safe, warm, and healthy

In the meantime, as always take care of yourselves y’all, and remember to support
Freedom of All Relations
Indigenous Sovereignty
Black Liberation
Empowerment of the Marginalize

Nmultis ✌️😹🤟

Original entry:
As we come up on two years of Covid, we continue to be some of the only people we know personally that have not contracted the virus. This is not a fluke, but instead the results of a nearly unwavering resolve BB and I have shared since Covid hit, and while it is a cause for celebration, it also continues to bring waves of saddness.

We have lost folks in Covid, both through death or madness to the disease, but also through our respecting our own boundaries to keep ourselves safe.

In doing so, we (and two other nonbinary trans folk, making 4 total, a number with a lot of meaning for a 2spirit like me) lost our home in Jersey City in 2020, after months of staying inside on lock down in an extremely unhealthy space. We left that space with everything we could fit in our car, and headed to the mountains of Appalachia.

Since then we have house-hopped with folks, all of which we are thankful to. In some cases we were met with a safe space that allowed us to attempt to recover. In other cases we were engulfed in racism, oppression, death, and horrors I will not be writing here. To those relations I could not help in stopping their [noncovid related] deaths, I can never say I am sorry enough.

This journey has, and is still, teaching us all that we can not control one another. That freedom does mean having to say goodbye to those that would put themselves in harm’s way, because that harm ripples out in waves.